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"It's a Trailblazing Masterpiece. It's captivating and wonderful." Charles Springer, Chief Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court. [Ret.]

[upon reading,] "I felt like I was standing at the doorstep of a great discovery." Dr. Saleh Majej, ND.

"This is the Leading health book of the 21st Century, bar none. It's essential for overcoming MCS, EMFS and fibromyalgia, as I did." Camilla Gordon, FHP

“I was delighted that your Porphyria books did not have even a hint of fragrance. They have helped me to overcome my lifelong battle with MCS and EHS. And my porphyria is so much better now.” Jane Spencer.

PORPHYRIA:The Ultimate Cause of Common, Chronic, & Environmental Illnesses, 3rd Ed. With Breakthroughs in Diet, Supplements, and Energy Balancing by Prof. Steve Rochlitz [Former professor of Physics]

NEW third Edition includes: Historic Proclamation in new Appendix. US President John F. Kennedy declared by Prof. Rochlitz to have had porphyria--finally explaining his lifelong pain and much illness. Also: new illnesses caused by hidden porphyria: Hashimoto's thyroiditis, immunological and cardiovascular. Details the ineffectiveness & danger of alleged "gold standard" [heme infusion] treatments.

Porphyria was declared, by Professor Rochlitz to be common in certain ethnicities: Scandinavians, Irish, Jewish, Scottish, English, South Africans, Dutch, French, Greek, Ukranians.

Now more than ever it is important to know that porphyria has recently been proven to weaken the immune system. Dealing with "hidden" porphyria, as per this book, can be far more crucial than taking many supplements for boosting the immune system.

Foreword by Randall Langston, M.D. [Env. Med Physician, Ret.]

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Porphyria book, 3rd Ed

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Have you become ill or "allergic" after a toxic exposure or infection?

Porphyria is NOT a rare disease. This was proven by 3 British MDs in 1957. Steven Rochlitz, the former physics professor and acclaimed health educator, in Nov. 2015 made the historic proclamation that porphyria and MCAS, are common disorders. In 2002, Prof Rochlitz declared that porphyria causes MCAS and that the 2 illnesses are 2 sides of the same coin.

This hidden problem is often “the last piece of the puzzle” for many chronic illnesses (Lyme Disease, pyroluria, reactive hypoglycemia, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, MCAS, autism. pain syndromes, allergies, Candidiasis, and more), and/or environmental illnesses (MCS, EMFS, food reactivity).

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Poor tolerance for caffeine, alcohol, MSG, stress, drugs, or supplements are possible indications of underlying porphyria.

If you became very sick, and/or very reactive to foods, chemicals or EMF after many types of toxic exposure including mold, mercury, pesticides, formaldehyde, drugs, herbs, contrast dyes [gadolinium, etc.], low dose Naltrexone and others; or after microorganism infection including Lyme, Candida, parasites, viral, CPN, a worse state of (previously hidden) porphyria may have been induced.

Porphyria is NOT a “rare disease,” rather 20% of our species may have a porphyria genetic defect that shows itself after stress, toxic exposure, drugs, or microorganism overgrowth.

Once the porphyria is active, some people then become chronically ill, and/or very “allergic.”

Porphyria may be the ultimate cause of MCS/EMFS/E.I./Universal Food Sensitivities, CFS/Fibro and numerous common, chronic illnesses. Journal articles detail that tests for porphyria can be inaccurate.

Poor tolerance of the Sun--via skin blistering or nervous system reaction--is often due to porphyria.

This book also shows how other theories--including the nitric oxide, Vitamin D, mold neurotoxicity and "CIRS", and pyroluria theories--are sub-sets of the Porphyria Hypothesis, and are superseded by it. Even explaining why "helpful supplements" make some people worse.

Some famous people who very likely had porphyria include Vincent van Gogh, King George III, and Edgar Allan Poe and JFK.

Detoxification without learning about porphyria induction & the Rochlitz Methods from our books & seminars often fails.

Mercury detox without dealing with porphyria doesn't work. Porphyria induction is the key. Avoid DMSA or DMPS. Thousands have been harmed. May be Porphyria inducement.

Avoid Artemisia/wormwood & moxa. Long term antibiotics or Artemisia for Lyme or "coinfections" have induced chronic porphyria in many people over the last 20 years. Avoid ozone infusions. Avoid cholestyramine. It contains aluminum and porphyrinogenic flavoring. The mold has induced porphyria which must be dealt with per this book. Avoid "essential oils", they induce porphyria. Avoid "neutralizations" for MCS. Deal with the cause.

Girls [for acne] or women who become permanently sick or "allergic" after taking birth control pills likely had porphyria induced.

Steven Rochlitz, a former physics professor, is the world’s only holistic porphyria expert [non-medical]. He’s been expert in finding the ultimate causes, that others do not know about or deliberately hide.

Supplements or diet for Lyme/Pyroluria, Pall Protocol, MTHFR, Mercury detox often make some people worse. Porphyria inducement is the reason why.

Pyroluria often cannot be corrected as it is secondary to porphyria--the key.

GAPS diet often fails due to hidden porphyria. Porphyria commonly affects mainly the GI tract and the nervous system.[Or the Skin] This diet allows very allergenic and porphyrinogenic foods.

When NO blood test reveals the foods you know you react to, these may be porphyric reactions.

MTHFR does not explain the chronic and/or environmental illnesses being claimed. Indeed, many people cannot tolerate any concentrated form of folic acid and/or B-12. ALL folic acid variations can lead to histamine release in those with porphyria or MCAS.

Besides Porphyria, 10 other conditions that can cause or exacerbate Chronic or Environmental Illnesses are leghthily discussed. Unique Rochlitz theories.

Other illnesses that may be due to porphyria, or are porphyria, include: Dysautonomia, Functional Neurological Disorder, “Conversion” Disorder, some cases of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and some maladies just assumed to be "auto-immune."

The illustrated, self-energy balancing methods in this book are safe, simple, rapid and often beneficial. They are not a “cure.” Avoid people with false cure claims of “allergy elimination treatments” or with “Rife machines.”

● Over-sized book. 8.5” X 11”

● 192 pages. A life-long, and unique reference for everyone.

● Illustrated in black & white.

● 21 Chapters, eight appendices, including bibliography, index, extensive food lists, supplement sources, and more.

● Proven safe for nearly all readers with MCS. Digitally printed. No offset varnish.

Do not read books on electronic devices. The screens ALL flicker and this causes many symptoms, and most people with food or chemical sensitivities also have EMFS.

● Rare: Testing Guidleines

● It contains new information—for many conditions or problems—on diet, supplements, self-help, energy balancing (some in color), trigger points, and more.

● Hiatal Hernia Syndrome and Vagus Nerve Imbalance—with corrections. The 21st chapter contains about half of our separate Hiatal Hernia/Vagus Nerve book. Thus making the Porphyria book an even better value.

ISBN: 978-0-945262-59-6

● Second version of the 3rd Ed. Now with 192 pages, including more on the skin porphyrias.

● Includes 2 chapters on supplements that can help these problems [not B6], and supplements to avoid. B6 toxicity occurs in porphyrics.

● Extensive food group listings in the appendix include: Oxalate, histamine, tryptophan, MSG, sialic acid, lectins, sulfur, gluten, salicylate, anti-thyroid, anti-adrenal. All possibly linked to porphyria.

● Oxalate intolerance is uniquely shown to be due to having porphyria.

● Avoid the "mast cell diet" of no carbs and much meat. It worsens porphyria.

This new, breakthrough book contains [chapters and/or topics] on what may be “the last pieces of the puzzle” regarding:

● Food sensitivities/allergies

● MCS (Chemical Sensitivities)

● EMFS (Electromagnetic Sensitivities)

● Candida, Parasites, Lyme Disease "with coinfections", Chronic Viruses

● Hypoglycemia--especially reactive hypoglycemia

● Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia

● Fasting or low-carb, Atkins-type diets, or anti-Candida diet, can induce Porphyria in some people

● MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) Sensitivity Causes

● Mercury, Mold, Pesticide (and other) Poisoning

● Includes the breakthrough Mercury►Porphyria►Autism Link

● Thyroid/Adrenal Disease

● Explains why "allergy elimination treatments" do not work on many people, or "do not hold."

● Porphyria is the leading cause of stress intolerance, anxiety, panic, phobias, depression, bipolar, epilepsy, seizures/PNES, schizophrenia, OCD, & PTSD. Most psyche drugs [SSRI and others] are porphyrinogenic.

● Explains long-term harm from drug toxicities, even some supplements too

● Gastrointestinal Complaints

● Alzheimer’s Disease

● Some Heart Problems, Hypertension, Stroke, Migraine

● Pyroluria and/or Lyme.

● Why orthomolecular medicine often fails. The causes are NOT dealt with, and you can react adversely to the supplements.

● Asthma

● Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or MCAS. Prof Rochlitz was the first to show how Porphyria leads to MCAS--over a decade ago

● Needed for WTC, 9/11 Responders' and NYC residents' illnesses.

● Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability

● Epilepsy/seizures/PNES are often due to porphyria. The anti-seizure drugs are mostly highly porphyrinogenic.

● Copyright 2002-2023.

● Quantity discounts are available for this book now.

● All books are non-returnable/non-refundable once shipped.

● A life-long, essential reference--Perfect bound

● Autographed upon request by today’s leading holistic health expert.

● In our 40 years, we have never sold, rented or given out our buyers’ information. You’re safe with us.

● ISBN: 9780945262718

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Website, and books are for research and educational purposes only. Please consult your practitioner for medical advice. Copyright 2002-2023.