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Neurological and “Mental” Illnesses: The Porphyria Breakthrough, 2nd Ed.
Oscar Pistorius: The Possible Porphyria Factor: A Unique Analysis of the Crime and the Man on Trial

Neurological & "Mental" Illnesses: The Porphyria Breakthrough

Proven Help for: Autism, Chronic Pain, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, M.S., Seizures, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar & More Includes the Covid 19-Porphyria Connection.

Chapters Include:

● NEUROLOGICAL Illnesses: Autism, Seizures, M.S., Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Brain Injury, Functional Neurological, other.

"MENTAL" Illnesses: Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Jealous Rage, OCD, Other.

● Chronic Pain Solutions.

● The Remarkable Covid-19-Porphyria Connection proven by the Author recently.

● The possible connection of porphyria with crime and homelessness.

● Illustrated with several rapid de-stressing techniques.

● Learn how dealing with the ultimate causal factors has frequently led to rapid wellness for people with these neurological and "mental" illnesses in the 42 year career of Prof. Steven Rochlitz.

● A must-read for people with any of these disorders or their carers and also to try to prevent degenerative neurological illnesses that occur in old age.

Just Published: January, 2022.

116 Pages. 6" X 9" Illustrated, Perfect bound.

© Prof. Steven Rochlitz January, 2023. All Rights Reserved.

Foreword by renowned nutritionist, Irene Yaychuk-Arabei PhD.

All sales final, once the book has shipped.

Price: $22.00. Shipping: USA, $5.00, to Canada: $14. TO Overseas: $19.

Click the little arrow to select destination.

Neurological & "Mental" Illnesses


Oscar Pistorius: The Possible Porphyria Factor: A Unique Analysis of the Crime and the Man on Trial


It is a new genre of book, and is like two books in one:

1. What hidden illnesses—about six—the evidence and previous incidents indicate that Oscar may have and/or inherited.

2. An analysis of the crime, and what probably happened.

Cover Photo: Erik van Leeuwen/Wikipedia.

You see that instead of being a neo-modern Superman, as the media has proclaimed, Oscar Pistorius seems to have some of the same modern problems and environmental sensitivities that you and I are afflicted with.

This is a great book to read, and then give to a friend or family member as it contains many of my breakthroughs in health in the simplest form ever.

These questions and many more are answered in this new book:

Did Oscar Pistorius previously display rage, jealousy, impulsivity (poor impulse control), schadenfreude?

What hidden medical problems could have caused these seeming mental problems?

What evidence is there for these hidden, medical problems?

What probably happened that night? Both sides’ claims are theoretically possible. (Legal: The author is not privy to any private information on Oscar Pistorius—a public figure.) This webpage © S. Rochlitz

From Reviewer, M. Bailey; "I've read 4 books now on this case. Yours is 1. the only one well written. 2. The only one with the guts and insight to state what probably happened, and was not either side's version--much worse. 3. that reveals what hidden factors may have caused his warped behavior, and these were not offered as an excuse. It's a masterpiece.":

From the first review (Marianne Jensen): “It’s riveting, and a great read. It draws together a myriad of details of events, people, and the possible health related underpinnings of the crime—surrounding the death of Reeva Steenkamp—into a single and timely book for reflection now and for future generations.”

152 pages, perfect bound. 18 Chapters. 3 Appendices. Index. 5.5” X 8.5” Copyright 2013. Steven. Rochlitz All Rights Reserved. ISBN: 0-945262-66-3

Price $20.00 plus shipping. Shipping fees: To USA, $5.00, $14. to Canada, $18.00 to overseas.

Oscar Pistorius Book Plus Shiping Option

DRosco Pisstoffius: The Schadenfreude Murder of Eva A Novel...Approach to the Shocking Truth That Everyone Has Kept Secret Until Now ©Steve Rochlitz October 2015. All Rights Reserved

It is necessary to tell the world what really happened with this novel…approach to the truth of the murder, and of all the corruption and collusion involving the police, both defense and prosecution, the judge, and the worldwide media disappearance of some crucial trial facts. This riveting account will have you gripped to your seat.

Only This Book Has:

●The shocking secret of how exactly the killing went down

●The remarkable saga of the 5th phone illegally stolen from the crime scene & illegally used in trial

●The corruption of all the parties: police, defense & prosecuting attorneys, judge

● Why Eva’s mother will never get back her daughter’s handbag

● Was another gun fired at the victim 17 minutes before the schadenfreude murder?

● What it all means at a deep level

This riveting book--with many secrets revealed-- serves as a window into the deepest nature of the real world.

Limited edition printing. Collector's item.

100 pages. Perfect bound. 8.5X5.5

Price: $20.00 plus air mail shipping: To USA, $5.00, to Canada: $14,. TO Overseas: $18. ISBN: 978-0-945262-77-8 All sales final once the book has shipped
Rosco Pistoffius Book + Shipping Option & Fee

Contact us about this book.

CHEMTRAILS: The Riddle is Now Historically Solved The Secret Breakthrough You Must Learn ©Prof. Steven Rochlitz 2018. All Rights Reserved

Available again for a limited time.

Only This Book Has:

● Proof that Chemtrails are very real, and are not “contrails. And they are very harmful.

Until this book, all sources about what Chemtrails contain and what the goal behind their use is, have been false.

● Chemtrails are not about “geo-engineering” or global warming.

● NOW finally revealed: Chemtrails’ contents and the actual agenda behind their use.

● Our first color illustrated book.

● Also contains the very first accurate reference on Morgellon’s Disease. You will find out whether this skin problem is real, and what the cause is.

● The ultimate truth about Chemtrails is a “must read” book for every adult human being.

Limited edition printing. Collector's item.

Large sized book. 8.5" X 11" 13 color Photos/illustrations, 2 B&w. 50 pages. Perfect bound.

© Prof. Steven Rochlitz January, 2017. All Rights Reserved.

You can view the front cover at my twitter @StevenRochlitz or here: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C2VyJQSVIAAh3k9.jpg

ISBN: 9780945262701 Collectible Item. Only 25 left. All sales final, once the book has shipped.

Price: $60.00. Shipping: USA, $8.00, to Canada: $19. TO Overseas: $29.

Click the little arrow to select destination.

Chemtrails book plus shipping fee


This is our second book on Porphyria and related matters. This has different information, not in the main PORPHYRIA: The Ultimate Cause book, which has 192 pages, large size. Again, this is a completely different book with 126 pages, large size.

Order this book ONLY if you have previously ordered Porphyria: The Ultimate Cause... book from US. [We refund non-compliant attempts.]

Topics include: how (usually hidden) porphyria weakens the immune system, and why supplements do not overcome this; new supplements for heart health, stomach or bladder distress; what holds people back from wellness; which foods are proven to cause mast cell disease, new protocol for heart failure, and much more.

.If you have the book, Porphyria: The Ultimate Cause of Common, Chronic or Environmental Illnesses. With Breakthroughs in Diet, Supplements and Energy Balancing, you need this additional information.

● How porphyria has recently been proven to weaken key components of the immune system. Dealing with "hidden" porphyria is far more crucial than taking many supplements for boosting the immune system.

● NOW with the "HOLY GRAIL":Proof that British Physicians declared that "Porphyria is NOT a rare disease."

● The latest printing now has the historic proclamation, and evidence, from Prof. Rochlitz, that "Porphyria and Mast Cell Disease are COMMON disorders."

●Has the latest findings for Porphyria and for Mast Cell Disease or MCAS.

● Prof. Rochlitz's new, profound discovery of the cause of porphyria in people descended from several European countries. This is found nowhere else and indicates the accepted etiology is incorrect.

● Includes Rochlitz' greatest cases: An Autism Cure, MCS cure, bringing back a flatliner, and more on the intersection of pyroluria and lyme's with the key: Porphyria.

Oversized Book, 8.5 inches X 11 inches. Perfect bound. © 2018,2017, 2015 2013. ISBN-10:0-945262921 33 chapters, 126 pages. 2 Appendices. Index. ISBN: 978-0-945262-921

Foreword by Saleh Majej, ND.

Price: $29.00 plus shipping--$8.00 to USA, $19.00 to Canada, $26.00 to Overseas.

More Help For: Porphyria, pyroluria, mercury amalgam illness, MCS, EMFS, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Food Sensitivities, Hypoglycemia, Autism, & Heart Disease

If you meet the above terms only, you may order. Please click on the arrow to elect destination.

Crucial Updates to Porphyria, 4th Ed book plus shipping fee

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